💀NEW & LIMITED!💀 Perfect for #lionsgate ✨️ Howlite Crystal Skull. If I could keep these all- I would! Calm, patience & healing PLUS the added strength & protection of the skull, make this piece so special! I've added Reiki to this one too! ✨️ Oh, beautiful Howlite! A stone of patience & compassion, it is my choice for releasing attachments from memories, past life lessons or processing current emotions of deep sorrow or traumas. It feels like the perfect hug- one that says 'I understand. It's ok- you've got this! Let's clear that weight & reconnect to you infinite, inner wisdom & heartfelt intuition. Believed to calm anxiety & support stressful/angry situations, it invites a loving & understanding approach to the world. ✨️ Mantra: I Feel Peace. I AM Calm. My Heart Is Light ✨️ See her & more Howlite, HERE-> Sign-in

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