🎁🎄🎅🏻💡“250 Strands of Lights! 100 individual bulbs per strand for a Grand Total of 25000 imported Italian twinkle lights!” 💡🎄🎅🏻🎁 You can now shop the Griswold Exterior Illumination Sweatshirt online on our website as well as in store! If you’re close by you can choose pickup or we also ship. 💻📦 Better hurry and grab this one quick, it’s been going fast. 💨 Wishing you & yours a good ole fashioned holiday Christmas like Clark wanted! This sweatshirt is unisex so both guys & girls can enjoy. ✨Adult S-XXL Link 👇🏻 Sign-in #griswoldfamilychristmas #clarkgriswold #christmasvacation #christmasvacationmovie #shop #onlineshopping #smallbusiness #christmas #christmaslights

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